
1、货物重量按毛重计算。计算单位为公斤。重量不足1公斤,按1公斤算,超过1公斤 的尾数四舍五入。
2、非宽体飞机装载的每件货物重量一般不超过80公斤,体积一般不超过40x60x100厘米,宽体飞机装载每件货物重量一般不超过250公斤. 体积一般不超过250x200x160厘米 ,超过以上重量和体积的货物,由航空公司依据具体条件确定可否收运。
3、每件货物的长、宽 、高之和不得少于40厘米.
4、每公斤的体积超过6000立方厘米的货物按轻泡货物计重。轻泡货物以每6000立方厘米, 折合1公斤计量(1立方=167公斤)。
5、市区派送费60元/票,100KG以上0.8元/KG,远郊另议公司自成立之日起,充分发挥其运作量大、全天候、安全系数高、成本低等优点,大胆探索,以人为本,以服务为基础,以市场为导向,想客户所想,受客户之重托,凭借自身优势,倾心打造铁路运输精品线路;承诺以优惠合理的价格为客户提供优质完全的服务。铁路运输为国民经济的发展起着重要作用。辐射全国,为上海及珠三角地区提供便捷的上海至全国速运服务。 engaged in international container transport business. We have good connection and long term relationships with local direct customers. We are currently working with the suppliers of CANON, CP GROUP, BRIDGESTONE and STAPLES.

Our loyalty to customers, hard work and open-minded approach make us as a successful international freight forwarding company. We provide first-class service and have good reputation in the industry. Our people have extensive experience in freight forwarding, a good education background and training. All our staff is very professional and willing to provide better services in order to maintain good and close relationship with customers.

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