Portland,OR, USA拼箱海运

公司凭借其定时可靠的递送服务以及与一流航空公司协作而打造的国内网络能够满足您的所有空运需求。公司提供所有主要航线固定航班的标准空运服务以及特定包机定制服务。storage delivery

Neptune Logistics Corporation of China have their own warehouses and distribution network in shenzhen, guangzhou, Shanghaiand many cities. We can provide various storage delivery service.

3 domestic logistics services

(1) the domestic trade shipping services

(2) trucks line service

(3) domestic railway transportation service

(4) domestic airfreight service

4 zhujiang barge service in Pearl River Delta region

We cooperate with professional barge companies, providing barge service from delta to coastal port, realized the seamless cohesion of export transport from Pearl River Delta to the coastal port , saving transportation cost, facilitating the export customs declaration of Pearl River Delta.航空物流公司以宝安机场为分拨中心,派送车辆直发至目的地城市,从而减少货物中间分拨的时间,提升送货速度。凭借三十余辆配送车辆,加上可控车队的20余辆运输车,投放于深圳市内及珠三角地区的到达派送服务。惠州航空托运以位于深圳宝安机场的独特地理优势,塑造到达派送的形象品牌。您可以选择到我司自提,或者送货上门,真正做到我们的品牌承诺“传情达意,犹如亲递”!

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