reduce the clearance of goods

同时,提供配套陆运、仓储、报关、商检等一站式服务。本公司主要合作船东有HUMBURG SUD,CMA,MAERSK,CSAV,CCNI,CSCL,EVERGREEN,KLINE,APL等等,公司与以上船东有长期且良好的战略合作关系,均已签约并取得在珠三角及华东,华北市场极具优势的价格和发展先机。
  VCEN整合香港、深圳、广州、澳门等国际机场的优势,配合卡车接驳和快递,充分利用港澳自由贸易区的优势,为客户提供选择多样,操作灵活的专业空运服务。SPI拥有丰富人才资源,掌握空运行业前沿资讯,配备先进地面空运操作,辅助快速专业空运清关,提供泛珠江三角的优势专业空运服务。Shanghai has a full line of the top 3 of the declaration of support, and proficient knowledge of import customs clearance customs declaration services, can greatly reduce the clearance of goods, reduce the retention time of cargo in the port area and reduce the customer's logistics costs. Business covers: general trade, returned goods, the importation of waste, etc.

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