
我司拥有外经贸批准的国际货运代理权,海关总署授予的专业报关权;一直以来,公司坚持以为客户提供“心连心”的优质服务为己任,在各主要通关口岸均设有分公司或办事机构,服务网络遍及全国各大口岸。Shanghai, she grew rapidly, with her efficient system and sound financial status, winning a good reputation in more and more clients and overseas partners.

Based on the spirit of "Mutual", interdependent, harmonious, and responsible, Mutual Cargo's team made a great achievement in overseas forwarding market, meanwhile enlarged her business all over China, establishing another five offices along China coast line, and developed Mutual into the multilateral logistics field, consisting of ocean, air, rail, multimodal transportation, project cargo, warehousing, etc.

Although all the overseas matters are controlled by Guangzhou head office, such as signing agency agreement, settling financial statement, etc., overseas partners can contact our located office directly for the shpts arrangement within its business territory, which can be referred from the following map. You will surely get our reply from the office within 24 hours.

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