
We are such a team filled with passion, energy and youthfulness. We have experienced the harmony and love and participated in creating a colorful cultural life in PATENT.

We are such a team filled with a strong will and pursuing the greatness. While faced the opportunity and challenge, we are determined to cope with and never stop our pursuing the reform and innovation.

We are such a team with rich experience and high efficiency. We take the initiative beyond our desire to practically dedicate ourselves to the responsibility and obligation of our work and provide our clients with the best service.

We are such a team, actively pursuing a close co-operation and information sharing. Regardless of the co-operation which is based on either a strong- strong pattern or using each mutual advantages, we believe that the co-operation will bring about the fortune and communication will resolve the difference. ● 国家一级国际货运代理、一代发票、对化工产品、化学产品进口很专业。
● “一条龙”服务——仓储、拖车、报关、报检、搬运和配送
● 拥有二十多位敬业的专业人员
● 每月揽货超过两佰个标准柜(TEU)
● 代理泥炭土进口及水果进口,有进口《许可证》


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