Our company has the professional and experienced staff.From the beginning to now on,we make hardworking,cooperation,high quality service as our core tenet.We consider the service quality,attitution,efficiency as the most important thing in our mind. Through several years hardworking ,Our business has developed rapidly,grown up constantly.Our service has come to all around the world.We cooperate with the world famous office on the air-ferry and sea transportation.we can offer the customer flexible schedule and save the cost.Our company has the warehouse 1000 square meters,24 hours management.It is rather convenient to the customers.We try to perfect our logistics idea.Our tenet is to offer the high qulity service for our customers.Our market strategy push us to build the more professional service,and make us to pay more attention to the service quality.That ,China takes part in the World Trade Organization ,is the landmark for globle economy.And it will promote the development of china foreigh trade.Our company will offer the reasonable price,high quality service for all world customers.With your support,we will do much better!专业的国内广州仓储配货服务,是您的最佳帮手。仓库的标准货架每排长240厘米,每排货架有三层,每层被分隔成左右各6个基本单元,每个单元长宽各30厘米,高60厘米。 因此每个储存单元的空间为40x30x60厘米。如果储存的货物体积大,可以合并单元。每个单元分别编号录入系统。为了进出货方便,卖家的每种货品放入一或多个单元。我们的仓库人员根据编号上货和打包客户可以定时打印库存清单、出入库明细、对账单等报表。

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