我司拥有一支年轻、充满活力的快件专业操作队伍,装备先进的电脑网络管理系统,从报价、订舱、接载、制单、报关、报检、货物跟踪以及各功能的服务均由专人专岗负责。良好的公司形象使我司与海关、检验检疫保持良好的沟通。坚持规范、高效、快捷的原则,真正做到“快速处理、准确送达、及时反馈”,使您的货物能快捷、安全送达目的地。在国内外之网络优势为依托,以广州为枢纽,整体业务覆盖珠江三角洲和华南地区。我司管理人员会密切关注整体运作,时刻检查各环节是否符合操作规程,无论您的货物需要什么服务,迅速、安全、可靠永远是我们的追求。感谢您对我司的支持和信任,期待与您的真诚合作! Guangzhou International Air International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. Service concept:
Company spirit - "hard work, pioneering, pragmatic and innovative"
Company's goals - "Qingqi one sky, leading the delivery trend"
Objects - "customer first, credit first, service first class."
Company credo - "cherish the trust, loyalty, Atsumori reputation"
Company philosophy - "just one of your phone, the other subject I do!"

Where it is our carrier of international goods and documents

1 Guangzhou City provides free pick-up and free wrapping.
2 ready to provide you the status inquiry and tracking of goods, so you are kept informed of the process of transit goods.
3 goods in the domestic customs transit occurred during the off button, I will be responsible for returned goods and shipping.
(4) If goods in transit loss, damaged packaging, verified by the original price after compensation

美西降价PIL: 1625/2025/2075+++++,周日结YT,YT TO LB (下周)
非洲:DURBAN USD750/1400/1400+TDIS EMC YT 1/3K
APAPA USD 1400/2700/2700/+LOCAL


港口 箱型 船期
20‘GP 40’GP 40‘HQ
MANZANILLO $875 $1,800 $1,800 周日
LAZARO CARDENAS $1,050 $2,100 $2,200 周四
MONTERREY $1,850 $3,000 $3,100 周四
港口 箱型 船期
20‘GP 40’GP 40‘HQ
CALLAO $1,075 $2,150 $2,150 周日
BUENAVENTURA $1,075 $2,150 $2,150 周日
IQUIQUE $1,075 $2,150 $2,150 周日
SAN ANTONIO $1,075 $2,150 $2,150 周日
VALPARAISO $1,250 $2,350 $2,450 周日
GUAYAGUIL $1,100 $2,200 $2,300 周日
ARICA $1,100 $2,200 $2,300 周日
港口 箱型 船期
20‘GP 40’GP 40‘HQ
RIO DE JANEIRO $1,325 $2,650 $2,650 周二
SANTOS $1,325 $2,650 $2,650 周二
BUENOS AIRES $1,325 $2,650 $2,650 周二
MONTEVIDEO $1,325 $2,650 $2,650 周二
RIO GRANDE $1,325 $2,650 $2,650 周二
PARANAGUA $1,325 $2,650 $2,650 周二
VITORIA $2,350 $4,700 $4,700 周二
SALVAODR $1,800 $3,500 $3,500 周二
PECEM $1,800 $3,500 $3,500 周二
SUAPE $1,800 $3,500 $3,500 周二

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