ALEXANDRIA(n) Pickup / Delivery Services,

very well that time more valuable than money. We are use reliable and efficient Airlline, such as Cathay Pacific Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, China Airlines, UPS/FEDEX courier is able to provide door to door movements. We are also sign our own contract rate to Airline that not only to cost savings and we can ensure that the goods reach their destination on time.
Air Freight Import and Export, Rates Analysis and Quotations Services, Pickup / Delivery Services, 一如既往地为客户提供安全、周到、体贴的服务。在市场更趋成熟,并进一步走向国际化,走向WTO的今天,各大企业越来越需要互相协作参与市场竞争。公司有信心跟上市场脚步,为客户提供良好的服务,以期成为客户最好的合作伙伴及助手。“你的满意,我的追求”是我们不变的宗旨。为应对激烈的市场竞争,使天朗国际货运真正由传统的速递企业向现代速递企业转换,达到降低物流成本,提高自身的竞争力的目的,公司除了要向集团化、网络化、国际化方向发展外,更重要是要向科技化方向发展,拟建立自己的电子商务平台及业务管理信息系统。

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